Carbon Tax vs. Corporate Tax | In 60 Seconds
Democrats want to increase the corporate tax rate, but is that the best way to generate revenue for the government? AEI’s Alex Brill discusses an alternative tax that could benefit the planet as well.
Democrats want to increase the corporate tax rate, but is that the best way to generate revenue for the government? AEI’s Alex Brill discusses an alternative tax that could benefit the planet as well.
The new administration is making a big push to support green energy and lower carbon emissions. But are they doing it the right way?
Debating the issue are Christy Goldfuss, senior vice president for energy and environment at the Center for American Progress, and Alex Brill, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
President Biden’s tax-and-spend infrastructure plan will reduce the competitiveness of U.S. corporations, burden working-class Americans, and discourage the type of private investment in America that fuels economic growth.
President Biden has announced two ambitious, entwined economic policy agendas: raising the corporate tax rate and other taxes on large businesses to pay for a significant increase in spending on a broadly defined set of infrastructure objectives. While the case for at least some increase in infrastructure spending is sound, the case for unwinding the corporate tax reforms enacted in 2017 is not.
In his Forbes article, Personal Finance Contributor Ted Knutson discussed Tuesday’s Senate Committee on Finance hearing that focused on climate change tax reform. During the hearing, leaders on both sides of the aisle asserted that new clean energy laws should be technology neutral, so that no one industry “wins.”