Trends in the US Insulin Market: New Prices, New Players, New Dynamics
Insulin, a drug first developed more than 100 years ago, has experienced a surge in political interest in recent years following dramatic price hikes.
Insulin, a drug first developed more than 100 years ago, has experienced a surge in political interest in recent years following dramatic price hikes.
Politicians—Democrats and Republicans alike—regularly complain about high drug prices and the need for policy changes to make prescription medicines more affordable for patients (read: voters).
Provider networks are a well-known tool health insurance companies use to keep down the cost of care.
Yesterday, the Initiative for Medicines, Access, and Knowledge I-MAK took an important step by proposing six policy solutions to address patent thickets that block generic and biosimilar drug competition.
Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are a popular Congressional target of late.
As Congress stumbles toward a government shutdown, health policy legislation continues to simmer in the background.