Charitable Giving is Good. Be Smart About how to Encourage It.

Charitable Giving is Good. Be Smart About how to Encourage It.

In 2020, Americans’ individual charitable giving reached $324 billion, a record high and a 2.2 percent increase from 2019. While the pandemic imposed great costs on our society, many households shared their resources with others, including religious, educational, and human service organizations.

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MGA Report Cited in Forbes Article on Rising Prescription Drug Prices

MGA Report Cited in Forbes Article on Rising Prescription Drug Prices

In his Forbes article, Ike Brannon discusses the blame game being played in Washington in regards to skyrocketing drug prices. MGA’s report “Understanding Drug Rebates and Their Role in Promoting Competition” was utilized by Brannon to bolster the argument that it is the drug companies who are responsible for drug pricing.

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Patent Thickets Constrain US Biosimilars Market

Patent Thickets Constrain US Biosimilars Market

Biosimilars represent a significant cost-savings opportunity in the United States because they can introduce competition for some of the most expensive and widely used prescription drugs on the market: originator biologics. Several market and regulatory barriers have slowed biosimilar market entry and uptake in the United States.

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IAM Quotes MGA Report in Article Discussing the Problem of Patent Thickets

IAM Quotes MGA Report in Article Discussing the Problem of Patent Thickets

In his article for Intellectual Asset Management (IAM), Life Sciences Reporter Adam Houldsworth discusses the weaknesses in the US patent system that enable the “thorny” problem of patent thickets. MGA’s report, “How Patent Thickets Constrain the US Biosimilars Market and Domestic Manufacturing,” was featured heavily in the article to provide evidence of the growing problem.

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Pension Smoothing – The Budget Gimmick That Will Not Die

Pension Smoothing – The Budget Gimmick That Will Not Die

The bipartisan infrastructure bill approved by the Senate on August 10 includes a number of budget gimmicks that help make it look fully “paid for.” One of the gimmicks is pension smoothing, which allows private companies to make smaller contributions to their defined-benefit pension plans, thereby endangering the plans’ financial viability over time.

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MGA’s Christy Robinson Quoted in IAM Article on Patent Thickets

MGA’s Christy Robinson Quoted in IAM Article on Patent Thickets

In Intellectual Asset Management (IAM), Fresenius Kabi Intellectual Property Chief Rachel Moodie discusses the worsening problem of patent thickets in the U.S. biosimilars market. Featured in the article is MGA’s report on patent thickets, as well as a quote from MGA’s Christy Robinson, who voiced her concern regarding the future of the biosimilars market.

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Teva Economic Impact Report

Teva Economic Impact Report

This report, from Matrix Global Advisors (MGA), highlights Teva’s impact on economies in 15 of the 60 countries in which Teva operates. These 15 countries comprise 60 percent of Teva’s total global workforce and 75 percent of revenues in 2020. MGA’s detailed impact analysis estimates that, in 2020, Teva’s local purchases and payroll supported more than 249,000 jobs across these 15 countries, contributed $52 billion to economic output, and generated $11.7 billion in labor income.

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