Charitable Giving is Good. Be Smart About how to Encourage It.

Charitable Giving is Good. Be Smart About how to Encourage It.

In 2020, Americans’ individual charitable giving reached $324 billion, a record high and a 2.2 percent increase from 2019. While the pandemic imposed great costs on our society, many households shared their resources with others, including religious, educational, and human service organizations.

Should the U.S. Offer Tax Credits to Promote Renewable Energy?

Should the U.S. Offer Tax Credits to Promote Renewable Energy?

The new administration is making a big push to support green energy and lower carbon emissions. But are they doing it the right way?
Debating the issue are Christy Goldfuss, senior vice president for energy and environment at the Center for American Progress, and Alex Brill, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.